ICCE 2014 Cover Image
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Palabras clave

climate change
small islands
safety levels
coastal protection
wave overtopping

Cómo citar

EVALUATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF COASTAL PROTECTION MEASURES FOR SMALL ISLANDS IN THE WADDEN SEA. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), management.5. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.management.5


The Northfrisian Halligen are small undiked marsh islands and located in the German part of the UNESCO - World Natural Heritage Wadden Sea. The houses of the inhabitants are built on dwelling mounds and during storm events these mounds are the only places which are not inundated on the islands. With respect to climate change and related changes in mean and extreme water levels, new coastal protection measures and strategies have to be developed. At the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management (IWW) of the RWTH Aachen University different tools are used to evaluate and to develop new coastal protection measures and strategies for these islands. Within this project several new coastal protection measures and strategies for the Hallig islands have been developed and existing protection measures have been technically and economically evaluated. In addition, social accompanying measures were set-up to rise flood awareness and acceptance.
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MELUR-SH. 2012. Generalplan Kustenschutz des Landes Schleswig-Holstein. Fortschreibung 2012.

Pullen, T.; Allsop, N.W.H.; Bruce, T.; Kortenhaus, A.; Schuttrumpf, H.; van der Meer, J. W. 2007. EurOtop. Wave Overtopping of Sea Defences and Related Structures: Assessment Manual. Heide i. Holstein: Boyens Medien GmbH & Co. KG (Die Kuste, 73).

Wöffler, T.; Schuttrumpf, H.; Arns, A.; von Eynatten, H.; Häußling, R.; Jensen, J.; Schindler, M. 2012.

Development of Coastal Protection Measures for small Islands in the Wadden Sea using a risk- based approach. Proceedings 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering. Santander. Spain

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