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Palabras clave

inundation hazard
socioeconomic vulnerability
integrated risk assessment approach

Cómo citar

COMPARATIVE RISK ASSESSMENT AT ISLA DEL CARMEN AND CANCUN, MEXICO. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), management.10.


Tropical cyclones and Cold-Fronts lead to storm surge and wave hazards annually in the coastal zones of the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Anthropogenic intervention over a wide extension of these coasts has affected their natural equilibrium and resilience to these extreme natural phenomena. An integrated risk analysis is presented here, which aims to prevent or reduce serious beach erosion damage and inundation of settlements next to these beaches. Two important coastal lagoon barriers in Mexico were selected to develop the risk assessment methodology: Isla del Carmen, on the Gulf of Mexico; and Cancun, on the Caribbean coast. While both are important for socio-economic and ecological reasons, the contrast between the high-poverty zones in Isla del Carmen and the luxurious tourist development of Cancun facilitates the integration of a common vulnerability approach, which can be applicable to any other location affected by similar hazards. This paper proposes a methodology to evaluate the socioeconomic risk of inundation; integrating the SPRC concept and the spatial variability of the risk, focusing on the parameters related to the resilience of the receptors and intangible indirect losses.
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