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wave impact generator
grass slope
wave attack
wave flume

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Outer slopes of grass dikes under wave attack are likely to have residual strength, which is the strength after initial damage has occurred. This strength is not included in current design and assessment tools. To quantify the residual strength of grass under wave attack and implement this in design and assessment tools, a large research program is initiated within the Dutch WTI 2017 project. This project is financed by Rijkswaterstaat. In this research program an integrated approach, a combined use of a so-called wave impact generator and large-scale wave flume tests in the Delta Flume is applied. This approach contributes to a future strength model which includes residual strength of the outer slope of grass dikes under wave loads, primarily along large rivers. Grass cannot be scaled properly and many variations exist in grass covers (clay quality, grass quality, transitional structures, objects in or on the dike, et cetera). For this reason, testing with traditional physical wave flume models would lead to unacceptable high costs since many tests are required. Therefore, a wave impact generator is developed (Van Steeg et al, 2014). This machine can be placed easily on a prototype dike in the field and can generate wave impacts on a slope. During testing, the machine is continuously filled by a pump. By opening a pre-programmed valve irregularly, a mass of water is relieved leading to an impact that resembles impacts caused by natural waves. The developed wave impact generator is applied in an extensive measurement campaign on several grass dikes in the Netherlands. Variations of the thirteen different test sections were on grass and clay quality but also transition structures and objects (pole, open concrete blocks allowing grass growth, stairs). This leads to valuable erosion patterns as function of geometric properties of the outer slope of the dike. The hydraulic load during all tests was the same. Although wave run-up levels and wave impact pressures due to the wave impact generator are close to natural waves, there is a need to calibrate the results obtained with the wave impact generator. Therefore, large scale physical model tests in the Delta Flume, with a selection of the dikes tested with the wave impact generator, are performed. Blocks of 2 m x 2 m x 0.8 m were taken from dikes and were transported to the Delta Flume. In this flume (L x B x D = 235 m x 5 m x 7 m), waves can be generated up to a significant wave height of Hs = 1.6 m. Erosion patterns obtained with the wave impact generator and erosion patterns obtained in the large scale flume were compared. Based on this comparison and based on impact pressure analysis it is concluded that the wave impact generator represents a load which is equivalent to a significant wave height of Hs = 0.6 - 0.7 m, a wave steepness of sop 4-5%. The integrated use of the wave impact generator and a large-scale wave flume led to valuable data. This data will be used to improve the strength model for outer slopes of grass dikes under wave attack.
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Van Steeg, P., 2013a, 'Residual strength of grass on river dikes under wave attack. WTI-2017, Cluster 5. Phase 1c: Evaluation of wave impact generator and measurements based on prototype testing on the Sedyk near Oosterbierum', Deltares report 1207811.008, April, 2013.

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