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sediment transport
Sand Motor

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EFFECT OF DIFFERENT FORCING PROCESSES ON THE LONGSHORE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT AT THE SAND MOTOR, THE NETHERLANDS. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), sediment.71. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.sediment.71


The Sand Motor is a pilot project of a 'mega-nourishment' built in the Dutch coast in 2011. In order to understand which conditions reshape those mega-nourishments the influence of different types of forcing on the longshore sediment transport along the Sand Motor has been assessed in this paper using a process-based model. The use of numerical simulations enables the independent assessment of the different processes influencing the sediment transport magnitudes and direction. A calibrated depth-averaged model of the Sand Motor was used in order to compute the sediment transport rates around the nourishment. Results show that the overall evolution of the Sand Motor is event-driven, as the combination of energetic wave conditions, strong winds and high storm surge levels can lead to high sediment transport rates and therefore intense erosion.
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