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FRF WAVE TEST BED AND BATHYMETRY INVERSION. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), waves.22.


An automated Coastal Model Test Bed has been built for the US Army Corps of Engineers Field Research Facility to evaluate coastal numerical models. In October of 2015, the test bed was expanded during a multi-investigator experiment, called BathyDuck, to evaluate two bathymetry sources: traditional survey data and bathymetry generated through the cBathy inversion algorithm using Argus video measurements. Comparisons were made between simulations using the spectral wave model STWAVE with half-hourly cBathy bathymetry and the more temporally sparse surveyed bathymetry. The simulation results using cBathy bathymetry were relatively close to those using the surveyed bathymetry. The largest differences were at the shallowest gauges within 250 m of the coast, where wave model normalized root-mean-square was approximately twice are large using the cBathy bathymetry. The nearshore errors using the cBathy input were greatest during events with wave height greater than 2 m. For this limited application, the Argus cBathy algorithm proved to be a suitable bathymetry input for nearshore wave modeling. cBathy bathymetry was easily incorporated into the modeling test bed and had the advantage of being updated on approximately the same temporal scale as the other model input conditions. cBathy has great potential for modeling applications where traditional surveys are sparse (seasonal or yearly).
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