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A NUMERICAL STUDY ON SURFACE WAVE EVOLUTION OVER VISCOELASTIC MUD. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), waves.64. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.waves.64


A numerical modeling approach is applied to investigate the combined effect of wave-current-mud on the evolution of nonlinear waves. A frequency-domain phase-resolving wave-current model that solves nonlinear wave-wave interactions is used to solve wave evolution. A comparison between the results of numerical wave model and the laboratory experiments confirms the accuracy of the numerical model. The model is then applied to consider the effect of mud properties on nonlinear surface wave evolution. It is shown that resonance effect in viscoelastic mud creates a complex frequency-dependent dissipation pattern. In fact, due to the resonance effect, higher surface wave frequencies can experience higher damping rates over viscoelastic mud compared to viscous mud in both permanent form solution and random wave scenarios. Thus, neglecting mud elasticity can result in inaccuracies in estimating total wave energy and wave shape.
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