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TIDE-TSUNAMI INTERACTION IN A HIGHLY ENERGETIC CHANNEL. A CASE STUDY. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), currents.83. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.currents.83


Tsunami-tide interaction can be assessed using different approaches with increasing levels of complexity. The simplest is to compute the sea level through a linear superposition of the tide and the tsunami computed independently (composite model). Recent studies have found that composite models provide inaccurate results in shallow waters (e.g. Kowalik et al, 2010). A more realistic analysis is achieved by computing the tsunami and the tide together (full model). This approach is appropriate where nonlinear effects may be important due to strong tides or shallow bathymetries. This work is intended to improve the physical understanding of tide-tsunami interaction in Canal Chacao, a highly energetic channel sited in Chile. This channel is dominated by currents of up to 6 [m/s] during spring tide and is located in a region prone to tsunamis. The fundamental question is to assess under which conditions tides and tsunamis can be linearly superposed and in which they interact nonlinearly, thus enhancing or reducing the surface elevation and associated currents.
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Kowalik et al. (2006). Tide-tsunami interactions. Sci. Tsunami Hazards 24 (4), 242-256. Okada (1992), Internal deformation due to shear and tensile faults in a half-space, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 82(2), 1018-1040.

Fujii and Satake (2013), Slip Distribution and Seismic Moment of the 2010 and 1960 Chilean Earthquakes Inferred from Tsunami Waveforms and Coastal Geodetic Data, Pure Appl. Geophys., 170(9-10),

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