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MODELING SHEET FLOW UNDER BREAKING WAVES ON A SURF ZONE SANDBAR. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), sediment.58.


Wave-driven sediment transport is one of the main drivers of beach morphodynamics. However, the creation of a comprehensive numerical model remains to be a challenging task due to complex mechanisms associated with unsteadiness and free-surface effects. Particularly for highly non-linear and skewed-asymmetric breaking waves, the boundary layer approximation (i.e., assuming horizontal pressure gradient is equal to local free-stream acceleration) is questionable. Moreover, wave-breaking-induced turbulence may approach the bed and further enhance sediment transport. Thus, a numerical model that can resolve the entire water column from the bottom boundary layer to the free-surface can be a powerful tool to understand wave-driven sediment transport.
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Mieras, Puleo, Anderson, Cox, Hsu (2017): Large-scale experimental observations of sheet flow on a sandbar under skewed-asymmetric waves, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, 5022-5045.

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