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ADAPTATION ASSESSMENT TO FUTURE BEACH LOSS DUE TO SEA LEVEL RISE IN THAILAND. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), risk.13.


Coastal erosion induced by seal level rise could become more serious problems worldwide (Hinkel et al., 2013; Udo and Takeda, 2017). There has been recent study regarding the projection of future (2100) erosion due to SLR in Thailand according to Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's (IPCC) projection of SLR based on representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios. By overall, Thailand sandy beach areas are projected to be lost approximately 46% (RCP2.6) to 72% (RCP8.5) of its current condition (Ritphring et al., accepted) and the plan for its adaptation should be devised. Among variety of management strategies used for coastal protections, Yoshida et al. (2014) proposed a framework for a proper beach nourishment considering beach roles of environment conservation and recreation use and applied for Japanese beaches. Meanwhile, dike construction was adopted as an option in a global scale (Hinkel et al., 2013). Since there is no applicable adaptation framework to Thailand, this study provides a new framework to adapt to the sea level rise by cost-benefit analysis considering beach nourishment and dike construction as adaptation options.
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Bruun, P. (1962): Sea-level rise as a cause of shore erosion, Journal of Waterways and Harbors Division, vol. 88, pp. 117-130.

Hinkel, J., Lincke, D., Vafeidis, A. T., Perrette, M., Nicholls, R. J., Tol, R. S. J., & Levermann, A. (2013): Coastal flood damage and adaptation costs under 21st century sea-level rise. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 111(9), pp. 3292-3297.

Srisawalak, Orapan (2010): The economic value of marine and coastal resources (beach value study), Department of Coastal and Marine Resources' Report (in Thai).

Udo, K., & Takeda, Y. (2017): Projections of future beach loss in Japan due to sea-level rise and uncertainties in projected Beach Loss. Coastal Engineering Journal, vol. 59(2), pp. 1740006.

Yoshida, J., Udo, K., Takeda, Y., & Mano, A. (2014): Framework for proper beach nourishment as an adaptation to beach erosion due to sea level rise, Journal of Coastal Research, special issue no. 70, pp. 467-472.

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