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MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR CLIMATE RESILIENCE OF COASTAL AREAS IN TOGO. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), risk.22.


Bight of Benin coast is highly vulnerable to climate change and one of its negative effects: sea level rise. It affects the coastal zones of Ghana, Togo and Benin. Within these areas, a substantial impact is expected not only on livelihoods but also on key infrastructure in coastal areas, leading to the destruction of coastal line and its habitats, socio-economic mutations and beach erosion increase. In Togo, the erosion retreat, due to improper coastal and infrastructure management, has been estimated between 5 to 10 meters per year during the period 1955-1985 and 20 to 30 meters per year during the period 1985-2009, forcing the coastal road linking Lomé to Aného to be moved twice. Taking into consideration climate change, this figure will progressively increase. Under the African Development Fund 13th cycle (2014 - 2017), the African Development Bank (AfDB) is supporting the Togolese government's effort of strengthening regional integration through the financing of transport infrastructure, in particular the "rehabilitation of the corridor Lome-Cotonou and transport facilitation project†. The main objective of AfDB project is to finance the related infrastructure and capacity building that will make coastal infrastructure, roads in particular, climate resilient.
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FEM-UNDP, Ministry of Environment and Forestry (2010): Second national communication of Togo on Climate Changes.

FAO (2014): Reconversion options for actors involved in marine sand extraction in Togo.

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