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TWO-PHASE FLOW SIMULATIONS OF SCOUR AROUND VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CYLINDERS. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), sediment.22.


Scour around structures is a major engineering issue that requires a detailed description of the flow field as well as sediment transport processes. Due to enhanced suspended load associated with vortices generated around structures, sediment transport cannot be solely related to bed shear stress, such as Shields parameter based formula. In order to address this issue, we used a multi-dimensional two-phase flow solver, sedFoam-2.0 (Chauchat et al., GMD 2017) implemented under the open-source CFD toolbox OpenFOAM. Three configurations are studied and compared with experimental and numerical data from the literature. First, the 2D configurations of an horizontal cylinder lying on a sediment bed (Mao, 1986; Sumer et al., 2001) are investigated. Then, the 3D configuration of the scour around a vertical cylindrical pile reported by Roulund et al. (2005) for rigid-bed and live bed cases is investigated.
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Chauchat, Cheng, Nagel, Bonamy and Hsu (2017): SedFoam-2.0: a 3D two-phase flow numerical model for sediment transport. Geoscientific Model Development:

Mao (1986): The Interaction Between a Pipeline and an Erodible Bed. PhD Thesis. Institute of Hydrodynamics and Hydraulic Engineering, Technical University of Denmark.

Nagel, Chauchat, Cheng, Bonamy, Liu, Hsu and Bertrand (2017): Two-phase flow simulation of scour around a cylindrical pile. Coastal Dynamics 2017 Proceedings.

Roulund, Sumer, Fredsøe and Michelsen (2005): Numerical and experimental investigation of the scour around a circular pile. J. of Fluids Mechanics, vol. 534.

Sumer, Truelsen, Sichmann and Fredsøe (2001). Onset of scour below pipelines and self-burial. Coastal engineering, 42(4), 313-335.

Wilcox (2008): Formulation of the k-omega Turbulence Model Revisited. AIAA Journal, Vol. 46, No. 11.

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