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Palabras clave

jetty construction
floating equipment

Cómo citar

BREAKWATER CONSTRUCTION. (1950). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(1), 25.


Upon receipt of an invitation to participate in this conference and present a paper on the subject of Breakwater Construction, I was happy to accept, feeling that I would benefit to a far greater degree than my contribution to a subject in which I, and the concern which I represent, have had a deep interest for many years. Our experience embraces some of the major jetty and sea wall construction in San Francisco Bay, viz: Treasure Island, Mare Island, Alameda Naval Air Station, Sacramento and San Joaquin River bank protection and other jetties along the Northern California Coast, including Crescent City. This paper is limited to breakwater construction on the basis of our experience previously mentioned. The subject has been divided into two parts, namely, (1) construction of jetties, or breakwaters which can be built by use of floating equipment and (2) construction of jetties which are not practicable to be built by use of floating equipment.
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