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Palabras clave

design criteria
marine fender
marine fender system

Cómo citar

DESIGN CRITERIA RECOMMENDED FOR MARINE FENDER SYSTEMS. (1968). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(11), 73.


This paper summarizes the world-wide effectiveness of marine-fender systems A design criteria is recommended as a result of an extensive research and development program executed at the U S Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, California, under the sponsorship of Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pertinent information includes analytical treatment and experimental investigation of the effects of berthing impact on the design of berthing structures, definition, function, and types of fender systems, advantages and disadvantages of various fender systems, cost-effectiveness and design procedures for different marine environment and exposure conditions. The energy absorption characteristics, berthing velocity, and virtual mass of ship are discussed in detail Energy capacity requirements for marine fender systems are illustrated in both graph and monograph forms. This paper is intended to provide guidelines to coastal engineers who may be involved in design of fender systems for waterfront and offshore structures.
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