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Palabras clave

fluvial similitude
coastal similitude

Cómo citar

A COMPARISON OF FLUVIAL AND COASTAL SIMILITUDE. (1970). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(12), 69. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v12.69


A comparison of the conditions of similitude for movable bed scale models of rivers and estuaries on one hand, and beaches and shorelines on the other hand, is presented It is demonstrated that despite the fact that the knowledge in sediment transport by wave action is less advanced than in the case of steady current, the conditions of similitude for beaches are less stringent than for rivers In particular, the effect of relative roughness is comparatively unimportant in the case of beaches, while the necessity of similitude of head loss imposes an imperative condition in the case of scale models of rivers An introduction to a natural law of distortion for beaches is presented in analogy with the Lacey condition for rivers.
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