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Palabras clave

wave statistics
spectral analysis
FNWC spectral analysis

Cómo citar

OCEAN WAVE STATISTICS FROM FNWC SPECTRAL ANALYSES. (1976). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(15), 13. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v15.13


Climatological wave data that may be shoaled and refracted from a deep-water wave station can be compiled in two forms from spectral ocean wave analyses produced by the Fleet Numerical Weather Central at Monterey, California: (1) significant wave statistics, which are similar to statistical tables currently in use, and (2) spectral element statistics, which give the frequency of occurrence of energy densities contained in a matrix of 15 frequency bands and 12 direction bands. Experimental formats of both types of statistical compilations are presented, their properties are examined, and the coastal engineering applications of these statistics are discussed.
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