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Palabras clave

beach monitoring
beach restoration

Cómo citar

COMPREHENSIVE MONITORING OF A BEACH RESTORATION PROJECT. (1976). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(15), 86.


This paper outlines the results obtained from monitoring the Beach Nourishment Project at Jupiter Island, Florida. Jupiter Island is a 16 mile long barrier island on the east coast of Florida. Five miles of the beach were nourished in two stages in 1973 and 1974. A total of 3.4 million cubic yards of sand were dredged from an offshore borrow area and placed on the beach. The monitoring program included: seasonal hydrographic surveys of beach and offshore profile to 3000 feet offshore; climatological monitoring of wind, waves, tides and currents over a oneyear period; tracer and dye studies; and sand sampling and coring at selected beach and offshore locations. The results indicate that beach restoration has a groin effect in the sense of producing favorable changes in littoral drift due to shore alignment changes. A net accretion updrift of the restored area occurs. The results demonstrate the importance of the offshore profile in accounting for the total sedimentary balance. Shoreline recession coupled by a build up in the offshore profile may reflect accretion rather than erosion. Finally, the results show that the littoral drift formula using the wave climate as input provides inadequate prediction estimates for erosion or deposition following construction of a beach restoration project.
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