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Palabras clave

sediment dynamics
profile interaction

Cómo citar

SEDIMENT DYNAMICS AND PROFILE INTERACTIONS: DUCK94. (1996). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(25).


Beach profiles and sediment samples were collected on a daily basis along three crossshore transect lines during the DUCK94 nearshore experiment lasting for 18 days in October 1994. Conditions ranged from near calm during the first week of the experiment to full storm conditions during the second and third weeks, with a two day initiation of beach recovery at the end of the experiment. The profiles responded with similar elevation change, with little morphologic variability during the calm period. During the storm, the bar migrated seaward 70 to 100 m, but the foreshore exhibited little change. The bar began to migrate shoreward at initiation of recovery. Sediment grain-size distributions vary in the cross-shore direction, with medium size grains on the upper foreshore, coarse gravel deposits on the lower foreshore and progressively finer sands in the offshore direction. After the storm, the foreshore and bar/trough samples were coarser with little change in the nearshore sediment distributions.
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