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Armor Stability

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SINGLE-LAYER CUBIPOD ARMORED BREAKWATERS IN PUNTA LANGOSTEIRA (SPAIN). (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), structures.12.


This paper describes the design process, hydraulic stability tests and construction of two single-layer Cubipod armored breakwaters in the Port of Punta Langosteira (A Coruña, Spain), located on the Atlantic coast of Spain, the first single-layer armors of randomly placed massive concrete armor units. The environmental, geotechnical, economic and logistic conditions favored randomly-placed Cubipods in single-layer armoring. 3D hydraulic stability tests of single-layer Cubipod armored breakwaters proved useful to validate the final design with 15-tonne and 25-tonne Cubipod units.
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Medina, J.R., Gómez-Martín, M.E, Corredor, A., Torres, R., Miñana, J.V., Fernández, E., Menéndez,

C.F. and Santos, M. 2011. Prototype drop tests of cube and Cubipod armor units. J. Waterway,

Port, Coastal, Ocean Eng. 137(2), 54-63.

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