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coastal flooding
coastal receptors
hazard exposure

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Storms and related disasters are phenomena producing coastal hazards and endangering human life and occupation. The study evaluates coastal receptors' exposure and their vulnerability to storm-induced flooding hazard along Varna regional coast in Western Black Sea, Bulgaria. The assessment is performed employing the Coastal Risk Assessment Framework (CRAF) developed within EU FP7 RISC-KIT project. It constitutes a screening process that allows determination of susceptible alongshore sectors (hotspots) by assessing relevant hazard intensities, hazard extents and potential receptors' exposure vulnerability within them by means of coastal indices approach. The ultimate goal is to evaluate potential risk posed by flooding in support to coastal managers, decision and policy makers. Assessment of coastal receptors' exposure vulnerability is done by exposure indicators approach, using hazard intensities and flooding extents relevant to return period of 100 years. The approach consists of combining several indicators into a single index, thereby allowing a rapid comparison of coastal sectors. Five types of receptors are considered to formulate the relevant exposure indicators: Land Use, Population, Transport, Utilities and Business, which subsequently are combined into an Overall Exposure Indicator to evaluate potential direct and indirect impacts. Results show that the most vulnerable to coastal flooding in terms of exposure are coastal sectors located within Varna Bay, comprising port and industry facilities with regional, national and international significance.
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