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coastal video monitoring
run-up modelling
coastal management

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NEW COASTAL VIDEO-MONITORING SYSTEM ACHIEVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), management.11.


A new coastal video monitoring system for Apulia region, southeast of Italy, is under development. It is composed of visible and thermal streams and featured to be included in a wider meteo-oceanographic monitoring network. The system is designed for use on sandy beaches. The regional Basin Authority (AdBP) through previous field campaigns has identified for long-term monitoring purposes two hotspots, prone to erosion and flooding: Torre Canne (Fasano, BR) and Torre Lapillo (Porto Cesareo, LE), facing the Adriatic and Ionian seas, respectively. This paper presents the actual architecture and some initial findings of its implementation aiming at a complete automatic analysis of morphological features and hydrodynamic studies, mainly focused in swash zone.
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