Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference

Supplementary Files

Blow-Jet video


wave energy conversion
shore protection

How to Cite

WAVE ENERGY CONVERSION USING A BLOW-JET SYSTEM. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), structures.62. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v32.structures.62


This paper presents the results of exhaustive experimental work focused on evaluating the efficiency of two devices as wave energy converters and as coastal protection alternatives. The first device is a wave amplifier that by means of overtopping stores water in a reservoir where potential energy can be used to produce power. The second device, the Blow-Jet, is a novel proposal that gathers together the operation of a tapchan and a blowhole to generate an intermittent jet that can easily feed a turbine. Results show that for both devices there is a strong dependency on the wave climate but that there is a possibility of optimizing geometric designs. Transmission coefficient values obtained for the Blow-Jet point to a real chance for its use as a multi-purpose coastal structure.


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