
blast loading
forces on a pier

How to Cite

EFFECTS OF BLAST LOADING ON A PIER. (1968). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(11), 63. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v11.63


The effects of nuclear explosions on a pier have been investigated to study the interaction phenomena between the blast loading, induced surface waves, the beach geometry, and the depth of coastal region for purpose of damage assessment and protective design of a coastal structure. For the theoretical analysis, the diffraction pattern predicted by Whitham's theory was used. The characteristic solution for shock diffraction showed the shock front shapes, shock-shock shapes, and flow rays in the pier and beach geometry. A pier model was tested in a six foot diameter horizontal shock tube under four different test situations simulating pier on a beach with water, pier on a dry beach in a Mach reflection region, pier in deep water, and a pier on a dry beach in a region of regular reflection. The model was subjected to various shock overpressures in each of the four test situations. Transient pressure distribution on the pier was investigated and comparison between the characteristic solution and the test results was made.
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