
beach protection
underwater mound

How to Cite

UNDERWATER MOUND FOR THE PROTECTION OF DURBAN’S BEACHES. (1970). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(12), 62. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v12.62


The construction of an underwater mound of sand for the protection and improvement of Durban's beaches has been recommended on the basis of intensive investigations These investigations included prototype measurements of beach changes as related to recorded sea conditions, basic scaling tests in which these beach changes were reproduced to scale in movable bed models and tests of the proposed underwater mound in models, using different scales in order to eliminate possible scale effects The test results showed that, provided the shear-settling velocity similarity criterion is satisfied, beach changes can be reproduced in a movable bed model to a reasonable degree of accuracy Optimum dimensions for the cross section of the mound were determined on the basis of the criterion for erosive and non-erosive wave conditions which was derived from the prototype beach profile changes and confirmed by model tests The resulting dimensions are a mound of sand about 4 5 km long, about 1 200 m offshore, reaching to 7 3 m below LWOST, with side slopes of 1 in 25 and a crest width of 61 m 3 3 Of the total quantity required (8 000 000 m ) some 2 500 000 m of sand, available from harbour dredging works in Durban Bay, had been dumped by May, 1970 Model predictions on mound stability and beach improvements were confirmed to a high degree of accuracy by the full scale events.
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