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wave overtopping
overtopping simulators
overtopping wave distribution
overtopping parameters

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IMPROVEMENTS IN DESCRIBING WAVE OVERTOPPING PROCESSES. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), waves.35.


This paper presents a new empirical relation for the shape factor in the Weibull distribution that describes the distribution of overtopping wave volumes. This improvement increases the applicable range of the Weibull distribution from very low average overtopping discharges to large discharges resulting from combined wave overtopping and steady surge overflow at negative freeboards. The effect this improvement has on wave overtopping simulation is also discussed. Measured maximum flow thicknesses, velocities, and discharges from experiments of combined wave and surge overtopping are examined to learn more about the variability of these key parameters as a function of individual overtopping wave volumes. A key finding is that wave volumes containing the 2%-exceedance value of maximum velocity typically have maximum flow thicknesses well below the 2%-exceedance level, and vice-versa. Furthermore, the 2%-exceedance hydrodynamic parameters do not occur in the 2%-exceedance wave volumes. Finally, empirical relationships are developed for several parameters that showed strong trends.


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