ICCE 2012 Cover Image


remote sensing
x-band radar
nearshore hydrodynamics
numerical modelling

How to Cite

ANALYSIS OF CURRENT PATTERNS IN COASTAL AREAS USING X-BAND. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), currents.39.


The Seadarq software from Nortek is designed to derive wave, water depth and current information from ordinary navigation radar images. This is done by analysis of the wave propagation patterns using an inverse dispersion fitting technique. The remotely sensed data provides the unique opportunity to assess temporal and spatial propagation patterns of waves and currents over a significant stretch of water overlooked by a radar station. This exploratory study shows that radar data can provide very valuable insight in otherwise seldom disclosed current patterns. The spatial and temporal information of the radar data may allow us to calibrate our numerical model not only for water levels but now also for details in the currents patterns. Moreover, the radar data has improved the understanding of the hydrodynamics in a complex tidal inlet and around a mega-nourishment.


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