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wave generator
multidirectional waves
control system
physical modeling

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DESIGN OF A POWERFUL AND PORTABLE MULTIDIRECTIONAL WAVEMA. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), structures.29.


A new multidirectional wave generator with 72 independent paddles has been designed, fabricated and commissioned at the National Research Council labs in Ottawa, Canada. The wet-back piston-mode machine is installed in a new 50 m long by 30 m wide rectangular wave basin, where water depths can be varied over the range from 0 m up to 1.3 m. The new machine is believed to be unique in the world in that it combines the power and stroke required to generate multidirectional spectral wave conditions with significant wave heights exceeding 0.4 m together with the modularity and ease of portability required to move the machine quickly and safely to new positions. The new machine can also be sub-divided to form several shorter machines if desired. The new wave generator features lightweight, composite materials, energy efficient regenerative power supplies, state-of-the-art software and control systems, including capabilities for active wave absorption (reflection compensation), second-order wave generation for improved generation of nonlinear sub- and super-harmonics, side-wall reflection, and more. The design of this new directional wavemaker is described and several of the more innovative features are highlighted in this paper.


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