ICCE 2012 Cover Image


berm breakwater
mass armoured
wave overtopping
overtopping simulator

How to Cite

WAVE OVERTOPPING AT BERM BREAKWATERS IN LINE WITH EUROTOP. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), structures.12. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v33.structures.12


The paper presents the development of a new overtopping formula for berm breakwaters. Overtopping data from hydraulic model tests of berm breakwaters have been gathered and reanalysed in line with the procedure in the EurOtop Manual. The data shows a clear dependency on wave period or wave steepness, which is in contrast to the main conclusion of the CLASH project and the EurOtop Manual for conventional rubble mound breakwaters. The formula is roughly validated on prototype performance.


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Van der Meer, J.W., C. Thornton and S. Hughes. 2011. Design and operation of the US Wave Overtopping Simulator. ASCE, Proc. Coastal Structures 2011, Yokohama, Japan.

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