ICCE 2014 Cover Image


bonded porous revetment
hydrodynamic processes
wave-induced loads

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EFFECT OF POROSITY AND SLOPE STEEPNESS ON WAVE-INDUCED LOADS ON AND BENEATH BONDED POROUS REVETMENTS. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), structures.16. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.structures.16


The porosity and the slope steepness of bonded revetments both affect wave-induced loads on and beneath the revetments and are thus crucial for the stability and durability of the entire structure. This is shown by the selected results of the three years German research project BoPoRe (Bonded Porous Revetments) which has the primary objective to systematically investigate the effect of the porosity, roughness and slope steepness on different loading parameters and to develop process-based and generic design formulae that explicitly account for the porosity and other structure parameters. The paper briefly introduces the project and discusses selected results of the main model tests using 3 different scaled model configurations. All configurations used a polyurethane bonded aggregate (PBA) cover layer and tests were performed with random waves.


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