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irregular wave-mud interaction
spectral method
Bingham equation
projection method
ALE description

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NUMERICAL MODELING OF IRREGULAR WAVE ON MUD LAYER USING SPECTRAL METHOD. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), waves.26.


Irregular wave propagation in a combined system of water and mud layer has been investigated by using a laterally averaged finite volume numerical model and spectral method. The fully non-linear Navier-Stokes equations based on ALE description with kinematic and dynamic boundary conditions at free surface and interface together with the Bingham constitutive equation for modeling the behavior of mud layer are solved in the numerical model. The application of the model for hydrodynamic tests including a periodic progressive wave over a submerged bar and the irregular wave propagation, shows the ability of the numerical model in prediction of water surface elevation and wave spectrum shape. For irregular wave-mud interaction test, variations of the spectral characteristics of different type of wave spectra have been considered. In spite of discrepancies between predicted and measured results, the accuracy of the predictions for attenuated irregular waves is acceptable.


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