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Tide model
Persian Gulf
Oman Sea
continental shelf
accuracy assessment

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INTER-COMPARISON OF RECENT TIDE MODELS FOR THE PERSIAN GULF AND OMAN SEA. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), currents.9.


Using several series of field measurements data along Iranian coastline of the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, eight different tide models have been evaluated in this study. By comparing the results in the frequency domain, it was found that the model discrepancies arise in shallow waters, having maximum error in the shallowest part of the Persian Gulf, where Pohl station is located. On the other hand, maximum error of tide models is limited to 10 cm in deeper part of the Persian Gulf, indicating that different tide models result in close outcome in deeper waters. Considering the results in the time domain, it was found that FES model, which includes more shallow water constituents, results in better tidal level predictions. FES also presents the best tidal current predictions in the area of the interest of this study.


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