Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference


Seto Inland Sea
storm surge
atmosphere-wave-ocean coupled model
air-sea interaction
depth-induced wave breaking

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Storm surge and storm wave simulations in Seto Inland Sea (SIS) in Japan were conducted for Typhoon Yancy (9313) and Chaba (0416) using an atmosphere (MM5)-wave (SWAN)-ocean (POM) modeling system. In the coupled modeling system, a new method for wave-current interaction in terms of momentum transfer due to whitecapping in deep water and depth-induced wave breaking in shallow water was considered. The calculated meteorological and wave fields show good agreement with the observations in SIS and its vicinities. The storm surge results also exhibit good accordance with the observations in SIS. To resolve a number of islands in SIS, we also performed numerical experiments with different grid resolutions and obtained improved results from higher resolutions in wave and ocean circulation fields.


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