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1D Carrier-Wu-Yeh algorithm
analytical Green's function (AGF)
2004 Indian tsunami
2011 Tohoku tsunami.

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QUICK ESTIMATION OF TSUNAMI INDUCED RUNUP ON COASTAL AREA. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), currents.8. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.currents.8


The main purpose of this study is that extending 1D Carrier-Wu-Yeh algorithm and analytical Green's function (AGF) to estimate the arbitrary irregular waveforms induced runup height and the inundation distance, and further builds a pre-calculated runup dataset. In this study, the multiplication and superposition is employed to replace the direct numerical integration. The waveforms are decomposed as numerous Fourier components using fast Fourier transformation. The corresponding mechanical energy can be calculated beforehand and save the results as a database-form. Using this process, the maximum runup height and the inundation distance can be quick calculated after determining the total mechanical energy. Based on application on the real tsunami events, the comparisons show that the present methodology can shorten the computing time in comparison with the direct numerical integration. Moreover, the present approach also applies on real tsunami events, 2004 Indian tsunami and 2011 Tohoku tsunami, to estimate the runup height and the inundation distance. The forecasted results are quite satisfactory in comparison with the field measurement, and it implies that the reasonable accuracy and the computing efficiency are both considered in this study.


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