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Palabras clave

rubble-mound breakwater
armor porosity
construction stage

Cómo citar

INFLUENCE OF CUBE AND CUBIPOD ARMOR POROSITIES ON OVERTOPPING. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), structures.43.


This paper describes a series of small-scale tests which examined the influence of armor porosity on overtopping. The cube and Cubipod armored models corresponded to the Punta Langosteira Breakwater (A Coruña, Spain) during construction, when the primary layer is not in place and the crest freeboard is much lower. Overtopping rates for incomplete cross sections (those under construction) differed significantly from completed ones. After analyzing the variables influencing overtopping, new formulas were developed to estimate overtopping rates in a section during construction. Both the conventional Rc/Hm0 and the ratio Rc/d had a significant influence on overtopping rates of complete and incomplete cross sections.
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