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swash zone
wave runup
parametric modelling
bed permeability

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QUANTIFYING THE EFFECT OF BED PERMEABILITY ON MAXIMUM WAVE RUNUP. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), currents.45. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.currents.45


The magnitude of the wave runup is based on a number of contributing factors that have been the subject of numerous studies and a variety of research activities. Consequently, several parametric formulations already exist that can estimate runup magnitude in a variety of coastal conditions. However, the effect of swash-swash interaction and swash infiltration is not explicitly quantified in these existing parametric formulations. The current research aims to elucidate on one key aspect, namely, the effect of bed permeability on swash magnitude. Specifically, the aim is to find a relationship between infiltration rates and the maximum runup on the beach face. A series of experiments were performed at the Coastal Flume located at UCL, London, UK to characterize this effect of bed permeability on wave runup magnitude. The results from the series of experiments conducted favour a Hunt-type runup formulation and indicate that there is a clear relationship between bed permeability and the maximum wave runup. Other complicating factors make comparison to existing parametric formulations difficult and these will be discussed fully in the main paper.
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