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Palabras clave

positive solitary wave
negative solitary wave
OpenFOAM modeling

Cómo citar

BREAKING OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SOLITARY WAVES. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), currents.22.


Surf dynamics of positive and negative solitary waves on a sandy beach are examined through physical modeling and numerical simulations to improve the quantitative understanding of wave runup and rundown caused by two different initial tsunami waves. Physical model tests of Kobayashi and Lawrance (2004) are replicated in a numerical 2D flume. We have used InterFOAM, a three dimensional, two phase, RANS solver, which is a part of OpenFOAM modelling library, in order to obtain the detailed spatial and temporal variations of the free surface elevation and velocity.
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Goring, D.G.(1998). "Tsunamis-The propagation of long waves on to a shelf.† Rep. KH-R-38, W.M. Keck Lab., Cal. Inst. of Technology.

Kobayashi, N. and Lawrence, A. R. (2004). "Cross-shore sediment transport under breaking solitary waves†, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol 109, C03047, doi:10.1029/2003JC002084.

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