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Palabras clave

offshore wind farms
large eddy simulation

Cómo citar

3D MORPHOLOGICAL IMPACT MODELLING OF OFFSHORE WIND FARMS USING LES AND HPC. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), sediment.48. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.sediment.48


A model based on TELEMAC 3D using Large Eddy Simulation has been developed to simulate of complex flows and sediment transport around offshore wind farm foundations. The model was tested against available laboratory experimental data with satisfactory agreement. The model results reveal that with fine resolution, using Large Eddy Simulation allows to capture the turbulence eddy shedding behind the structure better than using conventional RANS models. Application of the model to the Burbo Bank OWF in Liverpool Bay, in North West England helps capturing the strong 3D structures across the depth, which can have considerable influence on sediment suspension and transport around the structure, particularly for fine sediments.
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Prandtl, L., 1925. Über die ausgebidete Turbulenz. Zeitschrift fur augewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. 5, pp. 136-139

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