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Palabras clave

Boussinesq equations
Finite-volume finite-difference
Wave breaking

Cómo citar

WAVE BREAKING USING A ROLLER APPROACH IN A HYBRID FINITE-VOLUME FINITE-DIFFERENCE BOUSSINESQ-TYPE MODEL. (2014). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), waves.13. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v34.waves.13


A new scheme implementing a roller approach into a hybrid finite-volume finite-difference Boussinesq-type model is presented. The relevant mathematics are outlined and a numerical solver is described. Predictions obtained from the model are validated against physical observations, demonstrating the capabilities of the scheme to replicate the complex hydrodynamic processes that occur during wave breaking. The benefits of both the hybrid scheme and the roller approach are discussed. The results illustrate the feasibility of modelling the breaking process with a rotational roller method in a finite-volume finite-difference scheme and show the obtainable accuracies. Finally, further tests and improvements to the model are proposed.
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