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A NUMERICAL MODEL OF CROSS-SHORE BEACH PROFILE EVOLUTION: THEORY, MODEL DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICABILITY. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), papers.69. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.papers.69


A practical numerical model was developed to simulate cross-shore profile evolution at two coastal sites in Iran. The model consists of three sub-models for calculating wave and current, sediment transport, and bed level changes. Validation and calibration of the model was carried out using the measured field data on the north and south coasts of Iran, where historic measurements of cross-shore beach profiles and wave conditions have been recorded. The model is formulated for calculating cross-shore sediment transports in and outside the surf zone by the product of time-averaged suspended sediment concentration under three different mechanisms and undertow velocity. The comparisons between the model results and field data show reasonable agreement for both coastal sites and will be capable of applying it to other coastal sites with modifications to the free parameters.
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