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A METHODOLOGY TO PRIORITIZE INVESTMENTS TO REDUCE RISKS IN PORTS. (2018). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(36), risk.65. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36.risk.65


In many countries worldwide, a strong economical effort in the construction of coastal infrastructures has already been faced. Nowadays, due to the financial crisis, most of the efforts are devoted to the conservation and maintenance of coastal structures instead of building new ones. Furthermore, the expected variations in sea level and met-ocean conditions due to climate change modify the stochastic nature of both wave loading and structural response which is different nowadays from that at the time the structures were designed. These facts encourage the coastal engineering community towards the development of reliable risk management and decision-making tools. A key point in the decision-making process is how to prioritize investments when deciding about adaptation or mitigation alternatives. This paper aims at providing a proposal including tips to select among the possible alternatives based on risk analysis and how each alternative modifies the risk level compared to the do-nothing alternative. An example on a Spanish port will be provided for better understanding.
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Abanades, Campos, Castillo and Molina (2012). Vulnerability of coastal structures with fuse elements. Proc. Int. Conf. Coastal Engineering.

Alises, Molina, Gómez, Pery and Castillo (2014). Overtopping hazards to port activities: application of a new methodology to risk management (POrt Risk MAnagement Tool). Reliability Engineering & System Safety, Vol. 123, pp 8-20.

Campos, Molina, Llana, Alises, Gómez and Castillo. (2012). Overtopping characterization for the elaboration of vulnerability maps in port facilities. Proc. Int. Conf. Coastal Engineering.

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