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A NUMERICAL SIMULATION FOR TSUNAMIS DUE TO A LAND SLIDE. (2020). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36v, papers.11. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v36v.papers.11


Tsunamis, generated by falling rigid bodies, have been numerically simulated using the MPS model, in the vertical two dimensions. The numerical result for the water surface displacement of the first wave is in harmony with the corresponding experimental result obtained using the cylinders. A tsunami component traveling toward the shore and running up the slope can be confirmed in the present cases. The tsunami height, immediately after the large circles enter the water, does not depend much on the offshore still water depth, while the tsunami-height reduction is suppressed, when the offshore still water depth is shallower. Conversely, the tsunami height, immediately after the small circles enter the water, increases as the offshore still water depth is shallower. Both the tsunami height, immediately after the falling bodies enter the water, and the reduction rate of tsunami height, are larger for the large circles than for the small circles. In the cases where the falling rigid bodies include both the large and small circles, the reduction rate of the water level near the tsunami source is larger, when the large circles are stacked on the offshore side at the initial condition.

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