Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference
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Palabras clave

wave energy
physical model

Cómo citar

PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELING OF THE WAVECAT© WAVE ENERGY CONVERTER. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), structures.64.


Wave energy presents a great potential in many coastal regions. This paper deals with WaveCat©, a new Wave Energy Converter (WEC) recently patented by the University of Santiago de Compostela. First, the WaveCat© concept and its main design elements. It is a floating WEC intended for intermediate water depths (50-75 m), whose principle of energy capture is wave overtopping. WaveCat© consists of two hulls, like a catamaran (hence its name); however, unlike a catamaran, the hulls are convergent so as to leave a wedge between them. Waves propagate into this wedge and, eventually, overtop the inner hull sides. Overtopping water is collected in onboard tanks and, subsequently, drained back to sea, propelling ultra-low head turbines in the process. The wave flume tests carried out on a 3D, fixed model at a 1:67 scale are presented. Development work is ongoing, including a numerical model-which is currently being validated based on the results from the physical model-and a 3D, floating physical model at a larger scale (1:30).
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