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tidal inlet
sediment budget
St. Augustine Inlet

Cómo citar

SEDIMENT BUDGET FORMULATION VIA EXHAUSTIVE SEARCH METHOD. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), sediment.121.


A regional sediment budget for St. Augustine Inlet and St. Johns County, Florida, was developed for the 1999 to 2010 period. Development of the sediment budget had three main objectives: characterize the transport pathways and magnitudes for the 1999 to 2010 period, compare to an earlier sediment budget for 1974 to 1995 (Srinivas and Taylor 1998), and provide input to numerical modeling of the region (Reports 2 and 3, Beck and Legault 2012a,b). An innovative method was developed to create an inlet sediment budget using high quality measured volume changes for an inlet and beach system. Methods described in the Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM-V-6 2008) and Bodge (1999) were applied to determine the extent of inlet influence along the adjacent beaches, the total inlet sink, and a regional sediment budget for a given set of measured volume changes occurring at St. Augustine Inlet in northeast Florida, U.S.A.
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Beck, T.M. and Legault K.R. 2012(a). St. Augustine Inlet, Florida: Application of the Coastal Modeling System, Report 2. Technical Report ERDC-TR-12-14, U.S. Army Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Beck, T.M. and Legault K.R. 2012(b). Optimization of Ebb Shoal Mining and Beach Nourishment at St. Johns County, St. Augustine Inlet, FL., Report 3. Technical Report ERDC-TR-12-14, U.S. Army Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.

Bodge, K.R. 1999. Inlet Impacts and Families of Solutions for Inlet Sediment Budgets. Proc. Coastal Sediments '99, American Society of Civil Engineers, NY, Vol 1, pp. 703-718.

Legault, K., Rosati, J.D., Engle, J.A., and Beck, T.M. 2012. St. Johns County, St. Augustine Inlet, FL Report 1: Historical Analysis and Sediment Budget. ERDC/CHL-TR-12-14, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, Vicksburg, MS.

Bodge, K.R. and Rosati, J.D. 2003. Chapter 6, Sediment Management at Inlets and Harbors. In: V-6-3 Inlets and Adjacent Beach Sediment Budgets, Engineer Manual 1110-2-1100, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC.

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