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FIELD SURVEY OF 2018 KRAKATAU TSUNAMI. (2020). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 36v, currents.6.


At 21:30 local time (UTC+7h) on the 22nd of December 2018 the shorelines of the Sunda Strait, Indonesia, were flooded by tsunami waves. As a result there was widespread destruction and there were 437 casualties, 31,943 injuries, 10 still missing and over 16,000 people displaced (as of the 14th January 2019 National Disaster Management Agency (BNBP), 2019). The tsunami was caused by the flank collapse of the Anak Krakatau volcano (Robertson et al. 2018), located roughly at the centre of the Sunda Strait, which separates eastern Sumatra and western Java islands. Takabatake et al. (2019) performed a field survey of the affected areas. The survey results showed that inundation heights were more than 4 m high along the coastline of Sumatra island (situated to the north-north-east of Anak Krakatau), while less than 4 m were measured along the north-western direction. In Java island Inundation heights of over 10 m were measured at Cipenyu Beach (south-south-eastern direction from Anak Krakatau). However, at the time it was not possible to survey the actual vicinity of Anak Krakatau.

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