Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference


seepage flow
pore water pressure
permeable beach
breaker zone

How to Cite

SEEPAGE FLOW IN A BREAKER ZONE. (2011). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(32), currents.54.


Seepage velocities in several breaker zones were measured with dye for visualization. Pressure gauges were also installed to obtain pore water pressure. Three cases of different incident-wave periods were treated in laboratory experiments. The time-averaged pore water pressure was higher near the shoreline, resulting in the seepage flow, the maximum velocity of which was larger as the incident-wave period was longer, generally moving from onshore to offshore. The penetrated water flowed out from the permeable seabed at a bar top or on the rather offshore side of the bar top if a bar was developed remarkably. The pore water pressure in the breaker zone showed time variation depending on the wave phases including wave breaking and bore propagation. There was a phase when the pore water pressure was locally low below the bar.


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