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high-order statistics
bed roughness

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WAVE-CURRENT INTERACTION OVER SEABEDS WITH DIFFERENT ROUGHNESS: A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), waves.16. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v35.waves.16


Wave-current flow over seabeds covered with different roughness has been studied in order to deepen the knowledge on the statistical properties of the near-bed velocity. The results of three different experimental campaigns performed in the presence of a sandy bed, a gravel bed and a rippled bed, carried out superimposing a steady current onto an orthogonal wave, have been analysed. The statistics of the current velocity, including the wave effects on the steady current have been investigated. It has been observed that in the absence of waves, the fluctuations of the near-bed velocities closely follow a Gaussian distribution. When waves are also present, in order to obtain consistent near-bed velocity statistics, it is necessary to decouple the velocity events in the current direction by taking into account the sign of the wave velocities. In the latter case, the nature of the distribution functions is influenced by the mass conservation principle. A Gaussian distribution well describes the turbulent fluctuations obtained by removing the phase averaged velocity from the current velocity.


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