ICCE 2012 Cover Image


beach nourishment
longshore sand transport
shoreline changes
Moving Gravel Body method

How to Cite

MOVING GRAVEL BODY METHOD TO CONTROL DOWNCOAST EROSION. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), management.40.


The concept of the moving gravel body (MGB) method, in which topographic changes are controlled by beach nourishment using gravel, was introduced, using the contour-line-change model considering changes in grain size. The model was applied to the Fuji coast, assuming that coarse materials were nourished on a straight coast wherein a predominant longshore sand transport develops. The grain size that is effective for the recovery and maintenance of the shoreline and that does not cause further downcoast erosion was d, which is 5-10 times larger than that of the original sand, d0.


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