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Palabras clave

receding shoreline
seawall effects

Cómo citar

SEAWALL EFFECTS ON HISTORICALLY RECEDING SHORELINES. (1996). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(25).


This paper presents the results of a study using 15 years of beach profile data to determine how the presence of seawalls influences the existing erosional trends of the beach at Sandbridge, Virginia (USA). Three analysis methods using historic and seasonal time scales were used to answer three questions about the possible effects seawalls may have on adjacent nonwalled beaches. The results show that, statistically, there is no difference in the erosion rates of walled and nonwalled beaches. Seasonal variability of volume is greater for walled profiles. Seasonal recovery rates for both profile types are similar. Finally, the claim that the erosion of landward volumes at nonwalled beaches is increasing due to the presence of nearby seawalls is not supported by the evidence at Sandbridge beach.
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