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Palabras clave

porous revetment
wave run-up
video data analysis
large scale model tests

Cómo citar

WAVE RUN-UP OBSERVATIONS ON REVETMENTS WITH DIFFERENT POROSITIES. (2012). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), structures.73. https://doi.org/10.9753/icce.v33.structures.73


Wave run-up plays an important role in the design of coastal protection structures. However, none of the existing formulae for wave run-up predictions explicitly considers the effect of revetment porosity. Recently, two revetments have been tested in the Large Wave Flume (GWK) of Forschungszentrum Kuste (FZK), a new type of highly porous polyurethane bonded (PBA revetment) revetment and a smooth interlocked pattern placed concrete block revetment (IPPB revetment), which is considered as "weakly permeable† for the present study. Wave run-up is evaluated by video data analysis based on timestack image processing. The results derived from the timestacks are compared to run-up data measured with conventional wire gauges and the good agreement demonstrates the accuracy and reliability of the video data analysis. The effect of the porosity of the revetment is incorporated into the EuroTop wave run-up formula, showing that for the present case it may reduce the relative run-up heights Ru,2%/Hm0 by about 25 % to 50 % as compared to a smooth impermeable slope.
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