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Siltation analysis
Flow pattern
Current Deflecting Wall

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STUDY AND ANALYSIS OF SILTATION AT NAHRE GHASR FISHERY PORT. (2017). Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(35), sediment.36.


The discharge of Arvand River and tidal currents affect the large siltation at Nahre Ghasr Fishery Port, located at the Nahre Ghasr channel, the Persian Gulf. Using 2DH and 3D numerical models, the flow pattern at the channel was investigated to study the details of siltation problem. The local model was calibrated by the measured data of water surface and suspended sediment rate. The main flow mechanisms that can affect the rate of siltation including the horizontal exchange, the vertical exchange and tidal filling, were analyzed. The study showed that tidal filling plays the dominant role on the sedimentation at Nahre Ghasr channel. Different scenarios were also examined for reducing the siltation rate at the port.


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